adding images

image source
src is short for 'source.' If your image was in a directory called 'images' with a filename of screenshot.jpg, you would use images/screenshot.jpg. if you want an image from a URL just put for example. 

hover text
This is an optional attribute that displays text when a user puts his or her cursor over the image. 

alternate text
This is also optional. If a user has images turned off through their web browser settings or an error occurred where it won't show the image, this text is what shows up in place of the image. 

So when it's all done, the code should look like this: 

<img src="image source" title="hover text" alt="alternate text">

change the width and height of an image

just add another attribute like this. width="64" height="50"
the resulting code: 

<img src="image source" title="hover text" alt="alternate text" width="64" height="50">

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