What the heck is HTML?

HTML stands for "hyper text markup language". HTML is made up of a tag. 
A tag is a piece of text contained in <> and looks something like this:


There are two types of tag. Opening and closing tags. Closing tags are only different as they have a / before them:


Tags appear in pairs like this:


Anything between two tags will have those tags applied to them. 
Here is an example.


Nearly all tags have a closing tag but a few do not. What you must remember is:


Declaring HTML 

Open notepad, wordpad or an html editor. then type the following:




I will explain what all this means below:

Tells the browser that this is the beginning of an HTML document.


This is the beginning of the header section. The header section contains the configuration options for the page (like title).


This tells the browser what to display as the title of the page. This appears in the title bar at the top of the browser. Enter the name of your page between the <title> tags.


End of the header section.



Everything between these is in the body of the page. This is where all text, images etc. are. This is the most important part of the page.


Shows the end of the HTML document.

always save it as a .html file eg. myfirstwebpage.html